Magic sunrise

My dear sunshine. My sister, my brother,

May the angels of light
glisten for us this day.
May the sparks of God's beauty
dance in the eyes of those we love.
May the universe
be on fire with Presence for us this day.
May the new sun's rising
grace us with gratitude.
Let earth's greenness shine
and its waters breathe with Spirit.
Let heaven's winds stir the soil of our soul
and fresh awakenings rise within us.
May the mighty angels of light
glisten in all things this day.
May they summon us to reverence,
 may they call us to life.
(John Philip Newell, Praying with the Earth)


Kai susitinka Inga ir Kristina, tada vyksta magiški dalykai. 

Dalinuosi su jumis, mano saulės spindulėliai, nuostabiomis akimirkomis iš paskutiniojo mudviejų susitikimo Barselonoje. Magija. Meilė, saulė, jūra, vėjas, dangus - mus nuolat supantys stebuklai, kuriais pamirštame pasidžiaugti ir pasimėgauti. Laukiniai šokiai saulei ir dievams, leidžiantiems mums vaikščioti mūsų motinos žemės paviršiumi. 

Ačiū nuostabiam žurnalui "Panelė", kuris šitas dvi padaužas patalpino į naująjį (gegužės mėnesio) numerį! Kasdien gyvenu ir kvėpuoju įkvėpimais. Ieškau ir dlinuosi. Tikiuosi, kad kažkam esu aš. 

Kaip visada, žemiau esančiose nuotraukose noriu pasidalinti derinukais ir įrodymais, kad išleidžiant labai nedaug galima sukurti smagiausius vaidmenis.

Daug nesibaigiančių žaidimų! :) 


When Inga and Kristina meets each other, crazy things are happening then. 

I am sharing with you some beautiful moments from our last time together in Barcelona. Magic. Love. Sun. Sea. Wind. Sky. We re every day surrounded by such a beautiful, magic and inspiring treasures! All our wild dances - just for you, sun, and for all Gods which let us exist and walk on this beautiful earth.

Thank you for lithuanian crazy life style magazine "Panelė", which showed these two crazy pumpkins in the new (may 2013) magazine issue! Every day is a new time to find lots of inspirations - i am living it and breathing it. Searching, finding and sharing. I hope that for someone i am at least very tiny tiny inspiration.

In the pictures bellow i want to share outfits as a bright proof that even without spending lots of money you can create different and very interesting outfits!

Lots of never ending games!

It is not about fashion.

It is about inspiration.


  1. I really like this,very nice and stylish. I have been dreaming long time for a great mens leather jacket, this one I get from is good and fits my needs very well.


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